Coneixeu el nostre racó d’escriptura?


A 6è A han pres la decisió de crear un racó per escriure. Els alumnes decideixen quan volen esciure, el com i el què. Vegeu-ne les fotografies:

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Intercanvi musical amb Escola Charlie Rivel


Els alumnes de l’Escola Charlie Rivel han vingut al nostre centre a compartir vivències musicals. Ells toquen corda. Nosaltres toquem instruments de vent. Ha estat una experiència enriquidora.  

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Concert Plaça Espanyola


Un any més, hem celebrat l’arribada de la primavera amb un concert a l’aire lliure en coordinació amb l’Escola Municipal de Música.  Agraïm  la presència de la Núria Sempere, directora de l’EMCA, i moltes gràcies també a les famílies per la seva assistència. Hem gaudit d’un dia magnífic i un espectacle d’altura!  

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The corridor.


In our corridor everybody can see our works made in the English lessons. Students form 5th and 6th grade have being working in groups and in each group the members have done different tasks. We have described classmates, animals and also, we have prepared menus for restaurants. We enjoyed a lot making these posters!

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Saint George legend


This year, for Saint George Festivity, students from 5th grade have made a comic explaining Saint George Legend. We wrote the legend and we drew the pictures. When we finished we joined our works and here you have the result.

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Corners in 5th


The students from 5th improve their four language skills (writing, speaking, listening and reading) working through corners. They come to the English classroom once a week and work in groups different activities. Some of the activities are done it with teacher’s help and other ones independently.

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5è Representem la Llegenda de Sant Jordi


Un any més i seguint la tradició de la nostra escola, hem representat la llegenda de Sant Jordi. Com a novetat, aquest any també li hem posat banda sonora amb la col·laboració de l’Escola de Música! Us deixem algunes fotos 🙂

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Corners in 5th grade


The students from 5th improve their four language skills (writing, speaking, listening and reading) working through corners. They come to the English classroom once a week and work on different activities in groups. Some of the activities are done with teacher’s help and other ones independently.

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The Legend of Saint George


This year, for Saint George Festivity, students from 5th grade have made a comic explaining Saint George Legend. We wrote the legend and we drew the pictures. When we finished, we j oined our works and here you have the result.

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The corridor


In our corridor everybody can see our works made in the English lessons. Students form 5th and 6th grade have been working in groups and in each group, the members have done different tasks. We have described classmates, animals and also, we have prepared menus for restaurants. We enjoyed a lot making these posters!

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